7 most amazing colorful places of nature in the world
7 most amazing colorful places of nature in the world We bring here, the 7 most amazing colorful places of nature, we give a little of this wonderful gift that brings us our beautiful planet. We found throughout our planet earth, countless exceptional places, majestic destinations and unique landscapes. We are sure that in your country, dazzling places will be found to present that will surely swell with pride. This time, we decided to bring some of those places that give us much more, those landscapes that thanks to combinations ecosystem boxes become shades you might think are not real. Often, incredible colors are produced by the color of algae that are on the bottom and have contact with alkaline soils, bacteria that generate reactions in water or by the effect of changing seasons that make bud and blossom beautiful fields and hills. We anticipate that these beautiful places selected are located in China, Japan, Australia, USA, Holland, Tanzania and Colombia. Advance...