1. Take a break . Yes, even from a continuous idleness or constant living...go on a 2-3 days tour but all along with nobody, go alone. 2 Try to recap things . If you were wrong in past don't demoralize yourself, instead motivate your inner core by the mistakes you did and cherish the moments you had before. 3 You should always keep your interests at the forefront of your mind . This is your life after all, so plan out what you would like to do, whether it is in a one week's time or a long term time span. 4 Pinpoint your dreams and achievements that you hope to fulfill. Focus on what brings you happiness and plan the steps you need to reach that. 5 Have your notebook along with you . Make a new folder in your most secret drive and then a shortcut of same on the desktop, name can be "random objectives" or so 6 Now start thinking , what I need to do for fun, for thrill, for love,for personality, for accomplishment, for more privileges and for a li...